SB 21
Assessing wildlife impact fee on wind power projects
This bill allows the Director of the Division of Natural Resources to assess a Wildlife Impact Fee on any operator of a wind power project that injures or kills a protected species of animal.
Sponsors: Randy Smith
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Natural Resources; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
SB 575
Defining community air monitoring
This bill establishes guidelines for community air monitoring programs including definitions for how data can be collected and used.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/24/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Government Organization.
HB 2102
Notice Required Before Issuing Air Quality Permit
Requiring DEP to issue various types of notice before issuing an air quality permit, including online, social media and print.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Government Organization Committee
HB 2102
Required Notices for Issuance of Air Quality Permits
Requiring DEP to issue various types of notice before issuing an air quality permit, including online, social media and print.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Government Organizations Committee, then Judiciary
HB 2159
Community Solar
This bill would authorize consumers to buy shares in a community solar installation and reap proportionate credits against their utility bills. Rulemaking and administration by the Public Service Commission.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 2228
Health Impact of DEP Rules
Requiring the Commissioner of Bureau for Public Health to conduct a public health impact assessment of any new air or water rule, or modification of an existing air or water rule, proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection. The bill also requires that the findings in the impact statement be incorporated into the proposed rule.
Sponsors: Chuck Horst
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Health & Human Resources Committee.
HB 2228
Health Impact of DEP Rules
Requiring the Commissioner of Bureau for Public Health to conduct a public health impact assessment of any new air or water rule, or modification of an existing air or water rule, proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection. The bill also requires that the findings in the impact statement be incorporated into the proposed rule.
Sponsors: Chuck Horst
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Health & Human Resources Committee.
HB 2228
Assessing the Health Impact of Any New Air of Water Rule
Requiring the Commissioner of Bureau for Public Health to conduct a public health impact assessment of any new air or water rule, or modification of an existing air or water rule, proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection. The bill also requires that the findings in the impact statement be incorporated into the proposed rule.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Health and Human Resources Committee
HB 2234
Requiring Public Hearing for Air Quality Permits Relating to Large Facilities
Requiring a public hearing in the county where the facility is to be located, for any air quality permit application for a facility that will have an investment value of more than $25 million or be 25,000 square feet or larger in size.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Workforce Development Committee
HB 2246
Prohibiting Manufacturing Plants from Locating Within Two Air Miles of an Existing Public School
Prohibits manufacturing plants from locating within two air miles of an existing public school without the written permission of the county school board. Also requires that a majority of the school board voted to grant this permission.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Workforce Development Committee
HB 2254
Natural Gas Electric Generation Development Act
This bill seeks to encourage development, transportation and use of electricity generated using West Virginia natural gas. It directs the Economic Development Authority to identify sites for generating facilities, and for timely decisions on construction by the Air Quality Board.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Government Organizations
HB 2260
Repealing Additional Registration Fees for Alternate Fuel Vehicles
This bill completely repeals §17A-10-3c of the Code, which imposes higher registration fees for alternate fuel vehicles that use less gas and pay correspondingly less tax to support highway maintenance.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Finance Committee
HB 2316
Allowing Electronic Access to DEP Permitting Information
Requiring DEP to maintain an electronic submission system for the preparation, delivery, review, correction, approval, and publication of permit application data. Allowing access to the Department of Environmental Protection’s electronic submission system by all persons, as well as multiple persons involved in the submission of a specific application or other project by those persons involved in the project.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/12/21; referred to Government Organization Committee
HB 2356
Prohibiting Devices That Increase Soot from Diesel Engines
Creates a misdemeanor punishing installation of any device on a diesel powered vehicle that increases the vehicle's capacity to emit soot, smoke or other particulate emissions.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Technology and Infrastructure then Judiciary
HB 2593
West Virginia Energy Efficiency Job Creations Act
This bill would provide the Public Service Commission the authority to require electric utilities to develop and implement plans for the efficient use, conservation and reduction of electricity usage. The bill sets forth goals to achieve electricity savings. The bill also requires electric utilities to submit plans for reaching those goals. The bill also provides for a self-direct option for large electricity customers.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/17/23, referred to Technology and Infrastructure, then Judiciary
HB 2616
Revising Net Metering
This bill would change the method of calculating a rebate to customers generating their own electricity, relieve the Public Service Commission of the obligation to investigate net metering by looking at rules in other States, and require customer generators to comply with several national codes.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/17/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 2662
Prohibiting Alterations to Diesel Vehicles Resulting in Greater Soot Emissions
Prohibiting altering of retrofitting diesel vehicles with any device or smoke stack that enhances the vehicles capacity to emit soot or smoke, or purposefully releasing significant amounts of soot or smoke while operating the vehicle.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/23/21; referred to Technology and Infrastructure Committee
HB 2713
Preservation of Coal Supplies and Coal-Fired Electric Plants
This bill would direct the Public Service Commission West Virginia Public Energy Authority to (1) permit expedited recovery of costs to install pollution control equipment at coal-fired plants, (2) take steps to ensure that the 2019 levels of coal consumption by these plants are maintained, and (3) require each plant to have a 90-day supply of coal. Before any coal-fired plant could shut down, close, or be sold, the unanimous approval of several agencies and the Legislature's Joint Committee on Government and Finance must be obtained.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy Committee
HB 2929
Allowing ATVs on all Paved Roads
This bill would remove the power from municipalities and county commissions to prohibit all terrain vehicles from paved roads.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/23/23, referred to Political Subdivisions, then Technology & Infrastructure
HB 3239
WV Energy Diversity Act
Establishing an orderly and comprehensive planning and review process for evaluating and developing renewable energy sources for power generation that will employ West Virginians and transition to a post-coal economy. Renewables include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and others. The bill establishes achievable targets for diversifying West Virginia’s energy production utilizing West Virginia resources. It authorizes a study commission to monitor progress towards achieving those goals.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee
HB 4247
Prohibiting Devices That Increase Diesel Soot
Creates a misdemeanor offense for modifying a diesel engine with a device that increases the soot or smoke produced.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/10/2024; referred to; referred to Technology and Infrastructure, then Judiciary
HB 5018
Community Air Monitoring
This bill subjects citizen-collected, community air monitoring data to regulation, and forbids its use by the DEP for regulatory purposes or for enforcement actions against polluters.
Sponsors: Clay Riley, Scot Heckert, Bob Fehrenbacher, Bill Anderson
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/23/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing; passed House 2/6/24; assigned to Senate Energy, Industry & Mining 2/8/24
HB 5186
Protecting Gas-Powered Vehicles.
Forbidding the state from banning gas-powered vehicles in its fleet or mandating non-gas-powered vehicles.
Sponsors: Mickey Petitto, Michael Hornby
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024; referred to Government Organizations
HB 5212
Universal EV Charging Stations
Requiring EV charging stations installed in West Virginia to be universal, accommodating vehicles from all manufacturers.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/26/2024; referred to Technology and Infrastructure, then Finance
SB 109
Orphan Oil & Gas Well Prevention Act
This bill seeks to prevent orphan wells by prohibiting the issuance of well permits unless the applicant provides "plugging assurance." Plugging assurance must also be provided by owners of wells not producing in paying quantities. Plugging assurance is provided by a bond, a cash payment, or an escrow account in the actual amount needed to plug a well as determined by the Office of Oil & Gas
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy, Industry & Mining then to Finance
SB 19
Repealing Additional Registration Fees for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
The bill would repeal WV Code 17a-10-3c imposing additional registration fees for hybrid and electric vehicles.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, then Finance Committee
SB 4
Repealing Ban on Construction of Nuclear Power Plants
The purpose of this bill is to repeal the law that bans construction of nuclear power plants. Similar in effect to HB 2882.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Economic Development Committee; 1/24/22 to Senate on second reading; 1/28/22 sent to House for second reading; passed by House sent to Governor; 2/8/22 approved by Governor.
Pure Water
SB 583
Establishing economic incentives for data centers to locate within state
This bill creates economic incentives for data centers to locate within the state and incentivizes the centers torely on locally sourced coal generated electricity. The bill also provides an exemption from the B&O tax for all coal-generated electricity sold to qualifying data centers and provides a sales tax exemption for all personal property sold to and used in the construction or maintenance of a qualifying data center.
Sponsors: Randy Smith
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/24/25 and referred to the Senate Committee on Economic Development; and then to Senate Committee on Finance]
HB 2021
Providing for Funding of DEP Office of Oil & Gas
Currently, the Office of Oil & Gas has too few inspectors and is funded only by a $100 fee paid by an operator at the time of permit application. This bill would require that a $100 fee be paid by the operator annually on all wells that have not been plugged.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy & Manufacturing then to Finance
HB 2074
Implementing Recommendations of Study Committee on Reducing Pollution Risks from Horizontal Drilling
Expanding the “limit of disturbance” from a horizontal well from 650 to 1,500 feet from an occupied dwelling structure. Requires the operator set up continuous real-time monitoring of air, noise, light and dust and particulates at the residence or other point of impact and continuously monitor those parameters in real time. If any monitored parameters are exceeded more than 5 minutes in any 24 hour period, the operator is required to implement the maximum available control technology available to limit the levels.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Energy & Manufacturing Committee
HB 2132
Natural Gas Horizontal Well Control Act
Among other things, creates the same expanded “limit of disturbance” and remedial obligations as HB 2074
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Energy & Manufacturing Committee
HB 2132
Amending Horizontal Gas Well Control Act
This bill increases the limit of disturbance to 1500 feet from an occupied dwelling, imposes a real-time air, noise, dust and particulate monitoring obligation on the well operator, and requires consideration of the surface property's highest and best use, not actual use, when figuring compensation for reduction in value.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee, then Judiciary Committee
HB 2228
Health Impact of DEP Rules
Requiring the Commissioner of Bureau for Public Health to conduct a public health impact assessment of any new air or water rule, or modification of an existing air or water rule, proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection. The bill also requires that the findings in the impact statement be incorporated into the proposed rule.
Sponsors: Chuck Horst
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Health & Human Resources Committee.
HB 2228
Health Impact of DEP Rules
Requiring the Commissioner of Bureau for Public Health to conduct a public health impact assessment of any new air or water rule, or modification of an existing air or water rule, proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection. The bill also requires that the findings in the impact statement be incorporated into the proposed rule.
Sponsors: Chuck Horst
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Health & Human Resources Committee.
HB 2228
Assessing the Health Impact of Any New Air of Water Rule
Requiring the Commissioner of Bureau for Public Health to conduct a public health impact assessment of any new air or water rule, or modification of an existing air or water rule, proposed by the Department of Environmental Protection. The bill also requires that the findings in the impact statement be incorporated into the proposed rule.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Health and Human Resources Committee
HB 2316
Allowing Electronic Access to DEP Permitting Information
Requiring DEP to maintain an electronic submission system for the preparation, delivery, review, correction, approval, and publication of permit application data. Allowing access to the Department of Environmental Protection’s electronic submission system by all persons, as well as multiple persons involved in the submission of a specific application or other project by those persons involved in the project.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/12/21; referred to Government Organization Committee
HB 2562
Industrial Dumping Litter Control
Treating certain dumping of industrial waste into state waters as litter and providing specific misdemeanor and civil penalties for such dumping.
Sponsors: William Ridenour
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/16/21; referred to Judiciary Committee
HB 2589
Orphan Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act
This bill would require operators to set aside plugging funds whenever a new well permit is issued and assigns responsibility as between current and former owners for plugging transferred wells that have developed leaks or have contaminated groundwater. Further, to obtain a permit for a new well an operator must plug all orphaned and abandoned wells in the area to be drained by the new well.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/17/21; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee
HB 2598
Altering Definitions in Aboveground Storage Tank Act
This bill would change the definition of above-ground storage tanks so as to permit locating these tanks containing brine or fracking fluid within the area immediately above a public source water intake. A floor amendment in the House shifted inspection of tanks completely to tank owners.
Sponsors: Chuck Horst
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/18/21; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee; 2/24/21 passed out of E&M Committee but referred to Health and Human Resources Committee; passed out of Health and Human Resources Committee 3/5/21; Passed House 3/10/21; Introduced in Senate 3/12/21; referred to Judiciary Committee 3/12/21;
HB 2598
Altering Inspection Requirements for Certain Aboveground Storage Tanks
This bill exempts tanks containing brine or other fluids used in hydrocarbon production of 210 barrels or less located in the zone of critical concern nearest to drinking water intakes from inspection by the DEP. Inspection responsibility would be shifted entirely to the tank owners.
Sponsors: Chuck Horst
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22, referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee; 2/10/22 committee substitute bill; 2/14/22 House floor amendment; 2/15/22 passed House and sent to Senate; introduced in Senate 2/16/22, referred to Energy, Industry and Mining Committee; tabled
HB 2725
Funding the DEP Office of Oil and Gas
The purpose of this bill is to provide stable and adequate funding to the Office of Oil and Gas of the DEP in order to oversee oil and gas wells' compliance with the law for the life of the wells. The Office currently is only funded by one-time fees generated by the applications for the permits for initial drilling of a well. It only has a reduced staff of 25 including only one inspector for every 5000 wells. The bill provides the funding by requiring an annual oversight fee of $100 for each well that is to be used for the functions of the Office of Oil and Gas with any excess to be used to plug orphaned wells.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy Committee
HB 2757
Clean Drinking Water Act of 2021
Directs DHHR to establish maximum contaminant levels for PFAs, creates PFA Action Response Team and requires manufacturers to disclose uses of PFAs in manufacturing processes, among other things.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/24/21; referred to Health and Human Resources Committee
HB 2852
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2023
This bill seeks to prevent orphan gas and oil wells by requiring a fee paid into an escrow set-aside fund for each well as a condition of receiving a drilling permit. The fee would be based on consideration by the Office of Oil & Gas of several factors, including the actual cost of plugging, the well production schedule and market conditions.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/20/23, referred to Energy & Manufacturing then Judiciary
HB 2860
Disposal of Firefighting Foam Containing PFAS
This bill directs the State Fire Commission to find a method of disposing of used or accumulated Class B firefighting foam containing added PFAS chemicals, including contracting with disposal companies.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/20/23, referred to Fire Departments and EMS Committee, then Government organizations; passed out to Government Organizations 2/16/23; to House 2/27/23; passed House 2/27/23, referred to Senate Government Organization committee 2/28/23; passed Senate 3/6/23; approved by Governor 3/26/23
HB 2980
Groundwater Protection Act Amendments
This bill defines karst terrain, declares that drinking water derived from karst terrain involves significant risk of contamination, and requires any permit issued for activities that may affect groundwater in karst terrain to be supported by a risk assessment and a plan to contain and monitor any identified risk to groundwater.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 3/8/21; referred to Health and Human Resources Committee
HB 3189
PFAS Protection Act
The bill requires the DEP to identify and address PFAS sources impacting public water systems; requires facilities that have recently used PFAS chemicals to report their use to DEP, requires permits to be updated to require monitoring of PFAS chemicals for facilities that report their use; and requires DEP to propose rules to adopt water quality criteria for certain PFAS chemicals after they are finalized by the USEPA.
Sponsors: Chuck Horst, John Hardy, Wayne Clark
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/31/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary; passed out to Judiciary 2/10/23 with amendment; Judiciary substitute bill passed out to House 2/21/23; passed House 2/24/23; referred to Senate Government Organization 2/25/23; amended 3/8/23; passed Senate 3/9/23; House concurs in Senate amendment 3/10/23; approved by Governor 3/11/23
HB 4054
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2022
Requires an operator to provide plugging money escrow funds when applying for new permits or when transferring ownership of a well. No new well permit would be issued to an operator of other wells that have not been in use for 12 consecutive months unless the operator provides certain assurances or places plugging funds into escrow. Plugging money must be set aside by operators of producing wells. In order to obtain a permit to drill a new well, the driller must agree to plug all orphaned wells in the leased area that will be drained by the new drilling.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee, then Judiciary
HB 4055
Clean Drinking Water Act of 2022
The bill directs the DHHR to propose maximum contaminant levels or treatment techniques for certain PFAS pollutants; creates the West Virginia PFAS Action Response Team to act as an advisory body within DEP; requires reports from facilities using certain PFAS chemicals; requires the DEP to propose updates to the numeric Public Water Supply human health criteria; and requires the Secretaries of DEP and DHHR to promulgate legislative rules.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Health and Human Resources Committee, then Judiciary
HB 4098
Geothermal Energy Development
This bill creates a structure for the development of geothermal energy in West Virginia by identifying geothermal energy as a “different resource” than other mineral resources and declaring that that no mineral estate will include geothermal energy unless specifically contained in the deed. The jurisdiction over geothermal energy is placed with the DEP to develop a permitting program for geothermal drilling and exploration and rules governing the use of spent geothermal fluid.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/17/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee, then to Judiciary; referred to House Judiciary 1/27/22; passed out of Judiciary to the full House 2/7/22; introduced in Senate 2/11/22, referred to Energy Industry and Mining Committee, then Judiciary 2/11/22
HB 4802
Repeal of Sewer Connection Requirement
The bill repeals the requirement that consumers connect to available public sewer systems.
Sponsors: Phil Mallow, Larry Kump, Keith Marple, Scot Heckert, Chuck Horst, Eric Householder, William Ridenour
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/16/2024; referred to Government Organizations
HB 4966
Gas Well Plugging Requirements
The bill would amend the current plugging statute by adding more precise plugging requirements, new marking requirements for the benefit of landowners, and requirements to notify the county clerk of well locations.
Sponsors: Clay Riley, Scot Heckert, Bob Fehrenbacher, Bill Anderson
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/122/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 5045
Underground Carbon Sequestration and Storage
This bill provides further assurances to EPA that West Virginia should be responsible for enforcing underground carbon storage regulations. It focuses on changes to rules relating to management of post-injection monitoring and releases of liability.
Sponsors: Scot Heckert, Bill Anderson
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/23/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing; passed House 2/5/24, committee reference bypassed; passed Senate with amendment 2/9/24; House concurs 2/23/24
HB 5048
Underground Carbon Sequestration and Storage
The purpose of this bill is to remove the cap on the number of gas and other type wells for which operators are required to pay annual oversight fees.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/23/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 5076
Amending Dry Well Plugging Requirements
This bill creates exceptions for when a dry well must be plugged and prohibits any cause of action by any party as a result of the changes.
Sponsors: Scot Heckert, Bill Anderson, Bob Fehrenbacher
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary; passed out of Energy to Judiciary 2/2/24
HB 5365
Emergency Water Supply Act
The purpose of this bill is to require municipal/public water utilities and public service districts shall set aside funds to ensure the delivery of free bottled water when normal water service is disrupted.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/30/2024; referred to Political Subdivisions, then to Technology and Infrastructure
HB 5414
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2024
This bill seeks to prevent orphan gas and oil wells by requiring an operator to post a bond covering the full cost of plugging, or pay into a set-aside fund payments sufficient to plug the well at the end of its useful life.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen, Mickey Petitto
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/1/2024; referred to Energy
Providing water filtration equipment to residents whose water is deemed unsafe
This bill addresses water quality concerns affecting residents of WV by requiring the Department of Health to assess whether public water sources contain harmful levels of contaminants. Further, the DOH would provide water filtration equipment or technology to residents with unsafe water and establish provisions for rulemaking.
Sponsors: Laura Chapman
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Natural Resources; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
SB 592
Relating generally to above ground storage tanks
This bill removes the requirement for certified inspectors to assess oil and gas waste tanks, exempting over 700 tanks located closest to drinking water sources.
Sponsors: Patrick Martin
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/25/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining.
HB 3025
Relating to a State Water Resources Management Plan
This bill sets reporting requirements for underground water extracted in growth counties. Further, it directs the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to oversee the development of a comprehensive water management plan, considering factors such as surface and groundwater resources, water withdrawals, and infrastructure needs. The bill also requires large water users to report their monthly water withdrawals annually to the DEP.
Sponsors: Joe Funkhouser
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/27/25; referred to the House Committee on Energy and Public Works
SB 109
Orphan Oil & Gas Well Prevention Act
This bill seeks to prevent orphan wells by prohibiting the issuance of well permits unless the applicant provides "plugging assurance." Plugging assurance must also be provided by owners of wells not producing in paying quantities. Plugging assurance is provided by a bond, a cash payment, or an escrow account in the actual amount needed to plug a well as determined by the Office of Oil & Gas
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy, Industry & Mining then to Finance
SB 13
Establishing Oversight Fee for Large-Producing Gas Wells
This bill would impose a additional $100 annual fee on gas wells that are otherwise subject to fees at the time of permit application, but that produce 10,000 cubic feet per day.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy, Industry & Mining; passed out to Finance 2/3/23
SB 143
Adopt-A-Stream Program
This bill would improve the safety requirements for participants younger than 17, would enlarge the period of stream adoption to 3 years from the current 1 year, and require at least one clean-up per year.
Sponsors: Charles Trump
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, committee reference dispensed with, passed Senate unanimously 1/11/23, sent to House, referred to Government Organizations; passed House with amendment 1/27/23; Senate concurs in House amendment; sent to Governor 2/2/23; approved by Governor 2/27/23
SB 279
DEP Rules Regarding Water Quality Standards
This bill would approve changes to the human drinking water quality standards, weakening some and strengthening others. It also changes the review process for future changes in the standards by assigning the sole approval authority to the DEP without legislative review.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced in Senate 1/17/2022, referred to Judiciary Committee; passed Senate 1/31/22; referred to House Judiciary committee 2/1/22; passed House 2/11/22; Approved by Governor 2/21/2022
SB 362
Orphan Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act
Similar in language and effect to HB 2589
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/19; referred to Energy, Industry and Mining Committee
SB 405
Amending Definitions in Above Ground Storage Tank Act
Similar in language and effect to HB 2598
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/23/21; referred to Judiciary Committee
SB 485
PFAS Protection Act
Similar to HB 3189. Requires the DEP to identify and address PFAS sources impacting public water systems; requires facilities that have recently used PFAS chemicals to report their use to DEP, requires permits to be updated to require monitoring of PFAS chemicals for facilities that report their use; and requires DEP to propose rules to adopt water quality criteria for certain PFAS chemicals after they are finalized by the USEPA.
Sponsors: Charles Trump, Jason Barrett
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/26/23, referred to Agriculture & Natural Resources, then Finance; passed out of Agriculture and Natural Resources as committee substitute 2/7/23
SB 532
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2024
This bill would create a system of fees and oversight to plug and prevent orphan gas and oil wells.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024, referred to Energy, Industry and Mining, then Finance
SB 56
Creating Orphan Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act
This bill would require operators to make financial assurances for plugging before a new well permit is issued and assigns responsibility as between current and former owners for plugging transferred wells that have developed leaks or have contaminated groundwater.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy, Industry and Mining Committee
SB 88
Altering the Definition of Above Ground Storage Tank
This bill would change the definition of above-ground storage tanks so as to permit locating tanks of 210 barrels or less containing brine or fracking fluid within the zone of critical concern immediately above a public source water intake.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Judiciary Committee
SB 21
Assessing wildlife impact fee on wind power projects
This bill allows the Director of the Division of Natural Resources to assess a Wildlife Impact Fee on any operator of a wind power project that injures or kills a protected species of animal.
Sponsors: Randy Smith
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Natural Resources; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
SB 34
Creating Community Solar Pilot Program
This bill creates a community solar program where subscribers can purchase an interest in a solar facility and use credits against their electric utility costs, helping West Virginia ratepayers save money. The bill also gives the Public Service Commission authority over the administration and rule making of a pilot program.
Sponsors: Mike Oliverio
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
SB 25
Creating WV Coal Marketing Program
The bill establishes the West Virginia Coal Marketing Program to be administered by the Governor. An initial appropriation of $1 million from the general fund would be allocated to the program, with a focus on public-benefit projects aimed at expanding and protecting coal markets.
Sponsors: Randy Smith
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
SB 505
Ensuring Reliable and Affordable Electricity Act
The purpose of this bill is to protect ratepayers from paying for underperforming assets, particularly as the state transitions away from fossil fuel-based generation. The focus is on ensuring that new energy assets are reliable and cost-effective, especially during times of peak demand.
Sponsors: Patrick Martin
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/14/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then referred to Senate Committee on Government Organization.
SB 233
Establishing rebate for registration fees for hybrid vehicles
This bill is to provide a rebate of $100 for owners of hybrid vehicles.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
HB 2128
Establishing reporting requirements for utilities that are members of a regional transmission organization
This bill requires that each public utility that is a member of a regional transmission organization submit information relating to the utility’s or an affiliate’s votes at a regional transmission organization meeting.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to House Committee on Energy and Public Works
SB 57
Establishing tax on production of electricity from wind and solar sources
This bill establishes a tax $3 tax per megawatt of electricity produced for sale or trade on the production of electricity from wind and solar resources in West Virginia. The tax collected will be distributed to the 55 counties based on the number of volunteer fire departments in compliance with the state's Open Checkbook policy. These funds are then allocated to the volunteer fire departments within each county.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then referred to Senate Committee on Finance.
HB 2119
Local Energy Efficiency Partnership Act
The purpose of this bill is to authorize local units of government to adopt local energy efficiency partnership programs and to create districts to promote the use of energy efficiency improvements by owners of certain real property; to provide for the financing of such programs through voluntary property assessments, commercial lending, and other means; to authorize a local unit of government to issue bonds.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23; referred to Government Organization, then Finance Committees
HB 2159
Community Solar
This bill would authorize consumers to buy shares in a community solar installation and reap proportionate credits against their utility bills. Rulemaking and administration by the Public Service Commission.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 2175
Promoting Use of Coal and Limiting Wind Power Projects
This bill limits the number of permits to construct wind power installations generally in West Virginia; provides that for each new wind powered facility built in West Virginia, there is an offset in the amount of taxes paid by new and existing coal fired power plants; and ensures that coal remains the primary source of power in West Virginia during emergency weather events.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy & Manufacturing
HB 2199
Intrastate Coal and Use Act
Exempts coal mined or used within the borders of West Virginia from federal environmental regulation.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Energy & Manufacturing Committee
HB 2225
Local Energy Efficiency Partnership Act
The purpose of this bill is to authorize local units of government to adopt local energy efficiency partnership programs and to create districts to promote the use of energy efficiency improvements by owners of certain real property. The bill provides for the financing of such programs through voluntary property assessments, commercial lending, and other means, and authorizes a local unit of government to issue bonds to fund the partnerships.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Government Organization Committee, then Finance
HB 2249
Permitting Customers and Developers to Enter Into Solar Power Purchase Agreements
Defines purchase power agreements and recites benefits of those agreements to customers. Permits customers and developers to enter into PPAs as of January 1, 2022 on terms and conditions acceptable to all parties. Requires the Public Service Commission to propose governing rules for legislative approval.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Energy & Manufacturing Committee
HB 2254
Natural Gas Electric Generation Development Act
This bill seeks to encourage development, transportation and use of electricity generated using West Virginia natural gas. It directs the Economic Development Authority to identify sites for generating facilities, and for timely decisions on construction by the Air Quality Board.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Government Organizations
HB 2260
Repealing Additional Registration Fees for Alternate Fuel Vehicles
This bill completely repeals §17A-10-3c of the Code, which imposes higher registration fees for alternate fuel vehicles that use less gas and pay correspondingly less tax to support highway maintenance.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Finance Committee
HB 2275
Intrastate Coal and Use Act
This bill rejects the authority of the federal government to regulate the mining and processing of coal occurring exclusively within the borders of West Virginia, and establishes that authority in the West Virginia Department of Environmental Protection.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 2287
Providing For Solar Energy Production on Formerly Mined Land
Encouraging solar energy development on lands formerly used for mining and certain third-party co-generation projects, providing electricity for commercial, industrial and manufacturing businesses or institutions of higher education or nonprofit organizations that are located in or will locate operations in West Virginia; authorizing the Public Service Commission to regulate the use of transmission and distribution lines to transport power from these facilities; providing that the solar operations and third-party co-generation projects are not regulated as a utility for providing electricity to these businesses; and authorizing the issuance of renewable energy certificates for renewable energy generated by eligible solar projects.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Energy & Manufacturing Committee
HB 2593
West Virginia Energy Efficiency Job Creations Act
This bill would provide the Public Service Commission the authority to require electric utilities to develop and implement plans for the efficient use, conservation and reduction of electricity usage. The bill sets forth goals to achieve electricity savings. The bill also requires electric utilities to submit plans for reaching those goals. The bill also provides for a self-direct option for large electricity customers.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/17/23, referred to Technology and Infrastructure, then Judiciary
HB 2616
Revising Net Metering
This bill would change the method of calculating a rebate to customers generating their own electricity, relieve the Public Service Commission of the obligation to investigate net metering by looking at rules in other States, and require customer generators to comply with several national codes.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/17/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 2667
Energy Savings Program for State-Owned Buildings
Creates model, standardized contracts and prequalification for contractors performing energy savings work. Creates energy savings program to reduce energy use from all sources in state-owned buildings by 25% below 2020 levels by 2030, and creates benchmarking program to measure progress.
Sponsors: John Hardy, Wayne Clark
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced in House 2/23/21; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee 2/23/21; referred to Finance Committee 3/12/21; passed House 3/30/21; introduced in Senate 3/31/21 and referred to Government Organization Committee; referred to Finance Committee 4/6/21; passed Senate 4/10/21.
HB 2713
Preservation of Coal Supplies and Coal-Fired Electric Plants
This bill would direct the Public Service Commission West Virginia Public Energy Authority to (1) permit expedited recovery of costs to install pollution control equipment at coal-fired plants, (2) take steps to ensure that the 2019 levels of coal consumption by these plants are maintained, and (3) require each plant to have a 90-day supply of coal. Before any coal-fired plant could shut down, close, or be sold, the unanimous approval of several agencies and the Legislature's Joint Committee on Government and Finance must be obtained.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy Committee
HB 2725
Funding the DEP Office of Oil and Gas
The purpose of this bill is to provide stable and adequate funding to the Office of Oil and Gas of the DEP in order to oversee oil and gas wells' compliance with the law for the life of the wells. The Office currently is only funded by one-time fees generated by the applications for the permits for initial drilling of a well. It only has a reduced staff of 25 including only one inspector for every 5000 wells. The bill provides the funding by requiring an annual oversight fee of $100 for each well that is to be used for the functions of the Office of Oil and Gas with any excess to be used to plug orphaned wells.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy Committee
HB 2812
Local Energy Efficiency Partnership Act
The purpose of this bill is to authorize local units of government to adopt local energy efficiency partnership programs and to create districts to promote the use of energy efficiency improvements by owners of certain real property; to provide for the financing of such programs through voluntary property assessments, commercial lending, and other means; to authorize a local unit of government to issue bonds.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Government Organization, then Finance Committees
HB 2814
Creating Clean Hydrogen Power Task Force
This bill would create a taskforce of industry and environmental group representatives to plan the future of any clean hydrogen projects in West Virginia
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/19/23, referred to Energy & Manufacturing; passed out to full House 2/27/23; passed House 2/28/23; referred to Senate Energy, Industry & Mining Committee 3/2/23; committee amendment 3/8/23; passed Senate 3/9/23; approved by Governor 3/28/23
HB 2830
Solar Energy Production on Formerly Mined Land
This bill would encourage solar energy development on lands formerly used for mining and certain third-party co-generation projects, to provide electricity for commercial, industrial and manufacturing businesses or institutions of higher education or nonprofit organizations that are located in or will locate operations in West Virginia; authorizing the Public Service Commission to regulate the use of transmission and distribution lines to transport power from these facilities; providing that the solar operations and third-party co-generation projects are not regulated as a utility for providing electricity to these businesses; and authorizing the issuance of renewable energy certificates for renewable energy generated by eligible solar projects.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/19/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing then Judiciary
HB 2852
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2023
This bill seeks to prevent orphan gas and oil wells by requiring a fee paid into an escrow set-aside fund for each well as a condition of receiving a drilling permit. The fee would be based on consideration by the Office of Oil & Gas of several factors, including the actual cost of plugging, the well production schedule and market conditions.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/20/23, referred to Energy & Manufacturing then Judiciary
HB 2882
Repealing Ban on Construction of Nuclear Power Plants
Seeks to repeal the limited ban on nuclear power in WV, which requires a showing (1) that there is a national facility that safely and permanently disposes of nuclear waste and has operated for 24 months, (2) that the construction of the new nuclear facility will be economically feasible for West Virginia rate payers, and (3) the proposed facility will comply with all applicable environmental protection laws.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy Committee; 1/21/22 referred to Government Organization Committee; 1/28/22 referred out to House on second reading; second reading 2/7/22
HB 2929
Allowing ATVs on all Paved Roads
This bill would remove the power from municipalities and county commissions to prohibit all terrain vehicles from paved roads.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/23/23, referred to Political Subdivisions, then Technology & Infrastructure
HB 3062
Limiting Wind Power Projects in West Virginia
The purpose of this bill is to limit the number of permits to construct wind power projects, wind power farms, or “windmills” for power to two per year, to provide that for each new wind powered facility built in West Virginia, there must be an offset in the amount of taxes paid by new and existing coal fired power plants. The bill also seeks to ensure that coal remains the primary source of power in West Virginia during emergency weather events.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee
HB 3239
WV Energy Diversity Act
Establishing an orderly and comprehensive planning and review process for evaluating and developing renewable energy sources for power generation that will employ West Virginians and transition to a post-coal economy. Renewables include solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, and others. The bill establishes achievable targets for diversifying West Virginia’s energy production utilizing West Virginia resources. It authorizes a study commission to monitor progress towards achieving those goals.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee
HB 3294
Excise Tax on Carbon Offset Agreements
The bill declares that any agreement to limit the development of land, minerals or timber for the purpose of carbon sequestration or carbon offsets longer than 20 years will be void, and imposes an excise tax on the proceeds from any such agreement of shorter duration.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/3/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance; passed to Finance with amendment 2/8/23
HB 3310
Purchase Power Agreements for Solar Installations on Private Property
This bill exempts certain solar energy facilities located on private property from the definition of public utility and permits the power generated from these facilities to be leased or sold to the retail electric customer to meet that customer's needs through purchase power agreements. The bill creates a cap on such power generation in the territory any one public utility of 3% of the utility's aggregate customer peak demand.
CWV Position:
Status: Originated in House Judiciary Committee 3/26/21; passed House 3/31/21; introduced in Senate 4/1/21; referred to Senate Judiciary Committee 4/1/21; passed Senate 4/8/21; House concurs in Senate amendment and passed bill 4/8/21
HB 4098
Geothermal Energy Development
This bill creates a structure for the development of geothermal energy in West Virginia by identifying geothermal energy as a “different resource” than other mineral resources and declaring that that no mineral estate will include geothermal energy unless specifically contained in the deed. The jurisdiction over geothermal energy is placed with the DEP to develop a permitting program for geothermal drilling and exploration and rules governing the use of spent geothermal fluid.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/17/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee, then to Judiciary; referred to House Judiciary 1/27/22; passed out of Judiciary to the full House 2/7/22; introduced in Senate 2/11/22, referred to Energy Industry and Mining Committee, then Judiciary 2/11/22
HB 4291
Energy Efficiency Partnership Act
Allows units of local government to create partnerships with residents, and to create districts, all for the purpose of adopting measures to reduce the consumption of energy. Local governments could finance the installation of insulation, storm windows, and the like.
Sponsors: Bill Anderson
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/10/2024; referred to; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 4483
Requiring Registration and Limiting Duration of Carbon Offset Agreements
This bill would require agreements between West Virginia landowners and outside firms limiting development on that land for carbon offset purposes to register the agreements with the WV Tax Commissioner. It declares it the public policy of the state to encourage land development and timber harvesting. It limits carbon offset agreements that would impede that development to 40 years.
Sponsors: Wayne Clark
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/1/22, referred to Energy and Manufacturing committee, then Finance; Committee substitute introduced 2/8/11; substitute bill passed out of committee 2/9/22; first reading 3/12/22
HB 4491
Carbon Sequestration Pilot Program
The purpose of this bill is to establish a new legal and regulatory framework for drilling of injection wells and operation of facilities for the underground sequestration of injected carbon dioxide and for the state to pursue primacy authorization for oversight and enforcement of laws for underground carbon dioxide sequestration. The bill creates safety requirements for all sequestration of carbon injected into underground cavities and establishes liability for accidents.
Sponsors: William Ridenour, Wayne Clark
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/31/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee, then Judiciary; committee substitute 2/21/22; passed House 2/24/22; no committee referral; passed Senate 3/1/22; sent to Governor 3/17/22
HB 4632
Energy Storage Procurement Act
Directs utilities to plan for acquisition of storage systems to reduce overall energy consumed.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 4652
Natural Gas Fired Electric Generation Act of 2024
The purpose of this bill is to encourage development, transportation and use of electricity generated using West Virginia natural gas by directing the West Virginia Economic Development Authority to identify and designate sites suitable for natural gas electric generation facilities and by providing for expedited consideration and decision concerning applications for permits to construct and operate natural gas electric generation facilities.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/2024; referred to; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Government Organization
HB 4656
PSC Jurisdiction Over Advanced Nuclear Microreactors
The purpose of this bill is to expand the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission to include advanced nuclear reactors, and to direct that agency to adopt regulations for the construction, operation and retirement of such reactors.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/2024; referred to; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 4712
Limiting Wind Power Projects
This bill would limit the number of wind power projects approved in the state each year to two and allow a 5% reduction in coal severance tax for each such project approved.
Sponsors: Phil Mallow
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/15/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 4770
West Virginia Energy Efficiency Jobs Creation Act
The bill would require electric utility companies to adopt programs to increase energy efficiency and reduce consumption, and achieve measurable reduction of consumption between 2025 and 2034 rising by 1% of 2020 consumption annually. Various plans and reports are required.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/16/2024; referred to Technology and Infrastructure, then Judiciary
HB 4771
Repeal of Fee for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
The bill repeals law relating to additional registration fees for alternative fuel vehicles.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/16/2024; referred to Finance
HB 4834
Community Solar Program
The bill would allow consumers to participate in solar energy by subscribing to a share in a community solar generating facility and getting a corresponding credit against their electric bill.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/17/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 4966
Gas Well Plugging Requirements
The bill would amend the current plugging statute by adding more precise plugging requirements, new marking requirements for the benefit of landowners, and requirements to notify the county clerk of well locations.
Sponsors: Clay Riley, Scot Heckert, Bob Fehrenbacher, Bill Anderson
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/122/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 5048
Underground Carbon Sequestration and Storage
The purpose of this bill is to remove the cap on the number of gas and other type wells for which operators are required to pay annual oversight fees.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/23/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 5076
Amending Dry Well Plugging Requirements
This bill creates exceptions for when a dry well must be plugged and prohibits any cause of action by any party as a result of the changes.
Sponsors: Scot Heckert, Bill Anderson, Bob Fehrenbacher
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary; passed out of Energy to Judiciary 2/2/24
HB 5094
Taxation of Wind Power Structures
This bill changes the tax status of wind power structures from pollution control devices to real property and thereby raises the taxes on such structures.
Sponsors: Phil Mallow, Geno Chiarelli, Larry Kump, John Hardy
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 5131
Net Metering
This bill changes the formula for crediting a consumer's electric bill for solar energy generated by the consumer's solar panels, thereby reducing the amount of the credit.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 5186
Protecting Gas-Powered Vehicles.
Forbidding the state from banning gas-powered vehicles in its fleet or mandating non-gas-powered vehicles.
Sponsors: Mickey Petitto, Michael Hornby
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024; referred to Government Organizations
HB 5212
Universal EV Charging Stations
Requiring EV charging stations installed in West Virginia to be universal, accommodating vehicles from all manufacturers.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/26/2024; referred to Technology and Infrastructure, then Finance
HB 5414
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2024
This bill seeks to prevent orphan gas and oil wells by requiring an operator to post a bond covering the full cost of plugging, or pay into a set-aside fund payments sufficient to plug the well at the end of its useful life.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen, Mickey Petitto
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/1/2024; referred to Energy
HB 5416
Use of Degraded Land for Solar Panel Location
This bill seeks creates a tax incentive for power generation companies to locate solar power facilities on degraded mine and industrial land instead of farm land.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/1/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 5422
Net Metering
The purpose of this bill is to require the Public Service Commission to adopt a rule mandating electric utilities to provide full retail credit to customer-generators for electricity delivered to utility under net metering arrangement; and requiring commission to consider increasing allowed kilowatt capacity for commercial customer-generators.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/2/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 5528
Renewable Energy Facilities Program
Raising the incremental increases in size of renewable energy facilities from 50 to 100 megawatts, and eliminating the 2025 sunset provision.
Sponsors: Bill Anderson, Bob Fehrenbacher, Scot Heckert, Wayne Clark, Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/8/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing; passed House 2/19/24; passed Senate 3/7/24; vetoed by Governor
HB 5626
Community Solar Pilot Program
Creates a community solar pilot program allowing participation by low-income and other consumers in the benefits of solar power although individually unable to mount solar panels at their home or business. Requires bill credit to be given to subscribing consumers for their share of solar power generated. Encourages location of community solar facilities on otherwise unfavorable land or in areas where it can be co-located with agriculture.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/12/2024, referred to Energy & Manufacturing, then Judiciary
SB 271
Natural Resources Anti-Commandeering Act
This bill prohibits State agencies and employees from participating in the enforcement of federal acts, laws, or regulations regarding extractive resources (such as coal, oil, gas, and timber) unless those laws exist under state law.
Sponsors: Patrick Martin
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then to Senate Committee on Judiciary.
SB 11
Orphan Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act
This bill requires West Virginia oil and gas well operators to set aside money for future well plugging by mandating that newly drilled and transferred wells must either post a single well plugging bond or have the driller/operator begin depositing a small percentage of the well's revenue into the State Treasurer’s office for future plugging. For active wells, operators are required to pay 15¢ per MCF into the State Treasurer’s office for future plugging. Additionally, horizontal well operators must plug any "abandoned" conventional wells within the drainage area of their horizontal well and can recover the plugging costs from the operator of those conventional wells.
Sponsors: Randy Smith
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Energy, Industry, and Mining Committee
HB 2192
Relating to restrictions on use or sale of motor vehicles based on power source
This bill prohibits state agencies and local government units from restricting the sale or use of motor vehicles based on the energy sources used to power the vehicles.
Sponsors: Gary Howell
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to House Committee on Local Governments
SB 109
Orphan Oil & Gas Well Prevention Act
This bill seeks to prevent orphan wells by prohibiting the issuance of well permits unless the applicant provides "plugging assurance." Plugging assurance must also be provided by owners of wells not producing in paying quantities. Plugging assurance is provided by a bond, a cash payment, or an escrow account in the actual amount needed to plug a well as determined by the Office of Oil & Gas
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy, Industry & Mining then to Finance
SB 162
Leasing State-Owned Pore Spaces for Carbon Sequestration
This bill authorizes the leasing and development of state-owned "pore spaces" underlying state forests, natural and scenic areas and wildlife management areas for the purpose of carbon sequestration. State parks are excluded. Leasing would be to the highest auction bidder. The Director of DNR can award leases without competitive bidding under certain circumstances.
Sponsors: Charles Trump, Craig Blair
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/23, committee reference dispensed with, passed Senate unanimously 1/12/23, sent to House, referred to Judiciary, passed with amendment and made effective from passage 1/19/23; approved by Governor 1/24/23
SB 188
Grid Stabilization and Security Act of 2023
This bill would direct all state agencies to streamline their procedures to make the generation of electricity from natural gas easier, and direct the Secretary of Economic Development to locate appropriate sites for the construction of generating plants, providing several criteria. It would set time limits to expedite any application for a siting certificate before the PSC and other permits required for the construction of a generating facility.
Sponsors: Charles Trump
CWV Position: We support natural gas generation, but not expedited approval of sites based on narrow criteria.
Status: Introduced 1/13/23; referred to Economic Development; committee substitute bill 1/26/23; passed Senate 2/1/23; sent to House 2/1/23, referred to Economic Development & Tourism; passed out to full House 2/16/23; amended 3/2/23; passed House 3/3/23; approved by Governor 3/28/23
SB 19
Repealing Additional Registration Fees for Alternative Fuel Vehicles
The bill would repeal WV Code 17a-10-3c imposing additional registration fees for hybrid and electric vehicles.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Committee, then Finance Committee
SB 27
Assessing Wildlife Impact Fee on Wind Power Projects
This bill would impose a replacement cost upon operators of wind power projects where protected bird species are killed in turbines and other machinery.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Agriculture & Natural Resources, then Finance
SB 30
Third-party Ownership of Renewable or Alternative Energy Generating Facilities
Makes legislative findings supporting private ownership of alternative energy generating systems, and the desirability of not treating these owners as public utilities. Creates an exception to the definition of public utilities for companies owning renewable and alternative energy generation facilities located on the customer’s property and designed to meet the customer’s electrical needs that are (1) leased to the customer, or (2) the power from which is sold to the customer through a power-purchase agreement.
Sponsors: Charles Trump
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Economic Development Committee
SB 368
Refund of Hybrid Vehicle Registration Fee
Refunding extra $100 registration fee for hybrid vehicles.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/12/2024, referred to Transportation and Infrastructure, then Finance
SB 4
Repealing Ban on Construction of Nuclear Power Plants
The purpose of this bill is to repeal the law that bans construction of nuclear power plants. Similar in effect to HB 2882.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Economic Development Committee; 1/24/22 to Senate on second reading; 1/28/22 sent to House for second reading; passed by House sent to Governor; 2/8/22 approved by Governor.
SB 478
Energy Intensive Industry Tax Credit
The bill seeks to induce businesses that consume large amount of energy to locate in West Virginia by offering a tax credit in exchange for the promise of creating 25 jobs.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/17/2024; referred to Finance
SB 532
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2024
This bill would create a system of fees and oversight to plug and prevent orphan gas and oil wells.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024, referred to Energy, Industry and Mining, then Finance
SB 56
Creating Orphan Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act
This bill would require operators to make financial assurances for plugging before a new well permit is issued and assigns responsibility as between current and former owners for plugging transferred wells that have developed leaks or have contaminated groundwater.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy, Industry and Mining Committee
SB 618
Carbon Exchange Program
Creating an exclusive state-run and regulated market for carbon credits in West Virginia.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/2/2024, referred to Government Organization, then Finance; passed Senate 2/28/24; referred to House Finance 2/29/24
SB 627
Community Solar
Identical to HB 2159. Would enable consumers to buy shares in a solar installation and receive proportionate credit on utility bills as if their share of the solar power was generated by panels on their own property.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/14/23; referred to Senate Government Organization
SB 638
Community Solar Pilot Program
Creates a community solar pilot program allowing participation by low-income and other consumers in the benefits of solar power although individually unable to mount solar panels at their home or business. Requires bill credit to be given to subscribing consumers for their share of solar power generated. Encourages location of community solar facilities on otherwise unfavorable land or in areas where it can be co-located with agriculture.
Sponsors: Mike Oliverio
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/5/2024, referred to Economic Development, then Finance
SB 739
Moratorium on Carbon Offset Agreements
This bill would create a moratorium of 60 days from passage on any agreements designed to prevent timbering for the purpose of biologically sequestering carbon. This ostensibly would allow the legislature to address the issue carefully.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Originated in Senate Rules Committee 2/25/23; passed Senate unanimously 3/1/23; sent to House 3/1/23; referred to Energy & Manufacturing Committee 3/2/23; committee amendment 3/9/23; passed House 3/10/23; Senate amends House amendment 3/11/23 and requests House to concur
SB 822
Carbon Offset Agreement
Strongly disfavors carbon offset agreements by removing them from favorable tax treatment as managed timberlands, requiring the purchaser to register and pay an excise tax of as much as 50% of the value of the agreement to the landowner, and declaring it West Virginia public policy to void the restrictions on future timbering in private covenants, thereby jeopardizing conservation easements.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/16/24, referred to Finance; committee substitute 2/26/24; read third time 2/28/24; removed from calendar by Rules Committee 2/28/24
SB 869
Net Metering
Establishes the full retail price of electricity as the bill credit price for solar energy and raises the cap for commercial customers.
Sponsors: Mike Oliverio
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/19/24, referred to Energy, Industry & Mining, then to Finance
SB 94
Repealing additional registration fees for alternative fuel vehicles
The additional registration fee for alternative fuel vehicles, designed to even the cost of road maintenance among all types of vehicles, would be repealed. CWV Position: Opposes. While making alternative fuel vehicles more attractive is desirable, this bill creates environmental justice issues because it shifts the cost of road maintenance to those who may not be able to afford alternative fuel vehicles
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Transportation & Infrastructure Committee
SB 599
Creating Sound Science in Regulations Act
This bill establishes the Sound Science in Regulations Act, providing that no state agency may propose or effectuate a regulatory action unless it is based on the best available science. Further, it prevents state agencies from using the best available science, considering public health research and would involve nearly every aspect of state agency regulations, including all advisories and rules and standards.
Sponsors: Patricia Rucker
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/26/25 and referred to the Senate Committee on Government Organization.
Land & Wildlife
SB 295
Clarifying non-agricultural status of solar farms
This bill aims to distinguish solar energy production from traditional agricultural practices for taxation and regulatory purposes.
Sponsors: Patricia Rucker
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
SB 34
Creating Community Solar Pilot Program
This bill creates a community solar program where subscribers can purchase an interest in a solar facility and use credits against their electric utility costs, helping West Virginia ratepayers save money. The bill also gives the Public Service Commission authority over the administration and rule making of a pilot program.
Sponsors: Mike Oliverio
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
HB 2021
Providing for Funding of DEP Office of Oil & Gas
Currently, the Office of Oil & Gas has too few inspectors and is funded only by a $100 fee paid by an operator at the time of permit application. This bill would require that a $100 fee be paid by the operator annually on all wells that have not been plugged.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy & Manufacturing then to Finance
HB 2022
Restricting Gas Well Locations
Currently, gas wells may not be located within 650 feet of an occupied dwelling structure. This bill would expand the restricted area to 2,500 feet.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 2062
E-Bicycle Use
This bill defines and creates classes of e-bicycles and provides that they have the same privileges as non-electric bicycles where those vehicles are allowed. The stated purpose is to facilitate access to public lands for disabled people.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Natural Resources then Judiciary; passed out of Natural Resources 2/1/23; substitute bill in Judiciary passed out to House 2/14/23
HB 2083
Grants for Creating Gardening Habits to Protect Large Pollinators
This bill authorizes the use by the Commissioner of Agriculture of federal grants for the purposes defined therein, but directs that one such purpose shall be small grants to develop gardening and horticultutral habits that protect large pollinators.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources then Finance.
HB 2105
West Virginia Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Control Act
This bill would impose a 10-cent deposit on all beverages sold in containers, which would be redeemable at certified recycling centers. These centers would recycle all such containers. The State Treasurer would reimburse the recycling centers for the redemption payments plus a 3% fee. The bill also authorizes reverse vending machines that would accept containers and issue redeemable vouchers. The bill would also create a Community Litter Control Fund within DNR funded by unredeemed deposits.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Workforce Development Committee
HB 2105
West Virginia Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Control Act
The purpose of this bill is to require the use of returnable containers for soft-drinks, soda water, carbonated natural or mineral water, other nonalcoholic carbonated drinks and for beer, ale, or other malt drinks of any alcoholic content and for certain other beverage containers; to require the use of unredeemed bottle deposits.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Workforce Development Committee
HB 2121
Improving Adopt-A-Stream Program
This bill would improve the safety requirements for participants younger than 17, would enlarge the period of stream adoption to 3 years from the current 1 year, and require at least one clean-up per year.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Government Organizations
HB 2198
Relating to E-Bicycles
This bill defines e-bicycles, creates a new category of e-bicycles, and establishes that they may be used wherever regular bicycles are permitted.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources, then Judiciary
HB 2304
Prohibiting One Use Polystyrene Food Containers
The purpose of this bill is to reduce the adverse environmental impact of polystyrene food containers by prohibiting a food establishment from dispensing prepared food to a customer in a one-use polystyrene food service container.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: 1/11/23, to Health and Human Services then Judiciary
HB 2409
Advanced Recycling of Organic Waste
This bill would provide a safe process for organic waste composting and require the DEP to promulgate related rules implementing organic waste composting, and providing for curbside pickup of composting.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Health and Human Resources then Government Organization
HB 2479
LImits on the Taking of Antlered Deer
This bill would require the Director of DNR to propose rules for the taking of antlered deer, to include a limit of two per licensee.
CWV Position: It is unclear what impact, if any, this bill would have on the competing conservation interests.
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources
HB 2568
Relating to Rules for Hunting Antlered Deer
This bill would require the Director of the DNR to propose a rule, among others, limiting the harvesting of antlered deer to two per licensee.
Sponsors: William Ridenour
CWV Position: Supports
HB 2647
Banning One-Use Polystyrene Food Containers
Prohibiting single-use polystyrene foam or hard plastic food service containers such as a cup, bowl, plate, cutlery, straw or cup lid.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/23/21; referred to Health and Human Resources Committee.
HB 2725
Funding the DEP Office of Oil and Gas
The purpose of this bill is to provide stable and adequate funding to the Office of Oil and Gas of the DEP in order to oversee oil and gas wells' compliance with the law for the life of the wells. The Office currently is only funded by one-time fees generated by the applications for the permits for initial drilling of a well. It only has a reduced staff of 25 including only one inspector for every 5000 wells. The bill provides the funding by requiring an annual oversight fee of $100 for each well that is to be used for the functions of the Office of Oil and Gas with any excess to be used to plug orphaned wells.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy Committee
HB 2753
Modifying E-Bike Laws
This bill would redefine the categories of allowable e-bike, allow lesser powered e-bikes to be operated wherever regular bicycles are allowed and restrict the use of high powered e-bikes. All this to bring West Virginia law better in line with federal law.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/17/23, referred to Economic Development and Tourism, then Judiciary; to Judiciary 1/26/23
HB 2830
Solar Energy Production on Formerly Mined Land
This bill would encourage solar energy development on lands formerly used for mining and certain third-party co-generation projects, to provide electricity for commercial, industrial and manufacturing businesses or institutions of higher education or nonprofit organizations that are located in or will locate operations in West Virginia; authorizing the Public Service Commission to regulate the use of transmission and distribution lines to transport power from these facilities; providing that the solar operations and third-party co-generation projects are not regulated as a utility for providing electricity to these businesses; and authorizing the issuance of renewable energy certificates for renewable energy generated by eligible solar projects.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/19/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing then Judiciary
HB 2838
Litterbug Act
This bill would require the erection of cameras by counties in high litter areas and the prosecution of litter cases by county magistrates.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/19/23, referred to Judiciary then Finance
HB 2852
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2023
This bill seeks to prevent orphan gas and oil wells by requiring a fee paid into an escrow set-aside fund for each well as a condition of receiving a drilling permit. The fee would be based on consideration by the Office of Oil & Gas of several factors, including the actual cost of plugging, the well production schedule and market conditions.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/20/23, referred to Energy & Manufacturing then Judiciary
HB 2882
Repealing Ban on Construction of Nuclear Power Plants
Seeks to repeal the limited ban on nuclear power in WV, which requires a showing (1) that there is a national facility that safely and permanently disposes of nuclear waste and has operated for 24 months, (2) that the construction of the new nuclear facility will be economically feasible for West Virginia rate payers, and (3) the proposed facility will comply with all applicable environmental protection laws.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy Committee; 1/21/22 referred to Government Organization Committee; 1/28/22 referred out to House on second reading; second reading 2/7/22
HB 2896
Regulation and Storage of Radioactive Waste Materials and Radon Prevention
This statute would do too much to summarize adequately. It replaces current statutes regarding licensing of radon testers and laboratories. It adds a new statute regarding periodic testing of x-ray machines. It adds a statute on radon prevention in new school construction. It adds a Radiation Control Act which would bring state regulation into line with the federal government and many other states. The bill would promote the uses of radioactive material in the state for peaceful purposes. It would not apply to any facilities regulated by the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The DEP is designated as the State Radiation Control Agency, with a a lengthy list of duties and rulemaking responsibility. The DEP is given eminent domain authority to acquire land for ionizing radiation control projects, and to convey this land to private commercial interests for scientific facilities and "nuclear storage areas." The DEP would also assume responsibility for regulating the perpetual custody of radioactive material at any private site where the owner has abandoned responsibility. The DEP would be charged with developing regulations concerning all radioactive material not under the jurisdiction of the federal NRC, and for licensing, among other things, the storage of this material.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/20/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing then Judiciary; then to Finance 2/2/23; committee substitute passed House 2/15/23; to Senate Economic Development Committee 2/20/23; committee amendment
HB 3147
Upper Ohio Valley Trail Network
The bill would create an authority of representatives from the Northern Panhandle and several other Ohio River counties to coordinate among government and private landholders for the creation of recreation trails in that area. ATVs are not contemplated.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/30/23, referred to Outdoor Recreation
HB 3206
Amending Solid Waste Management Act to Add Requirements for Safe Composting of Organic Materials and Curbside Pickup
Providing procedures for the safe processing for organic waste and food waste, and requiring the DEP to promulgate rules related to implementing organic waste composting, and providing for curbside pickup of composting.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 3/16/21; referred to Health and Human Resources Committee
HB 4054
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2022
Requires an operator to provide plugging money escrow funds when applying for new permits or when transferring ownership of a well. No new well permit would be issued to an operator of other wells that have not been in use for 12 consecutive months unless the operator provides certain assurances or places plugging funds into escrow. Plugging money must be set aside by operators of producing wells. In order to obtain a permit to drill a new well, the driller must agree to plug all orphaned wells in the leased area that will be drained by the new drilling.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee, then Judiciary
HB 4084
Amending Solid Waste Management Act to Cover Recycling of Post-Use Polymers
Would permit the construction and operation of plants to convert post-use plastics sorted from other solid waste into smaller particles through heating and other processes. Intended products are simpler plastics, waxes, lubricants, and coatings
Sponsors: Mike DeVault
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/14/22; referred to Small Business Committee, then to Energy and Manufacturing; passed unanimously in House 2/8/22; sent to Senate and referred to Economic Development Committee 2/9/22; committee amendment 2/28/22; passed Senate 3/1/22; House concurred in Senate version 3/3/22; sent to Governor 3/9/22
HB 4098
Geothermal Energy Development
This bill creates a structure for the development of geothermal energy in West Virginia by identifying geothermal energy as a “different resource” than other mineral resources and declaring that that no mineral estate will include geothermal energy unless specifically contained in the deed. The jurisdiction over geothermal energy is placed with the DEP to develop a permitting program for geothermal drilling and exploration and rules governing the use of spent geothermal fluid.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/17/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee, then to Judiciary; referred to House Judiciary 1/27/22; passed out of Judiciary to the full House 2/7/22; introduced in Senate 2/11/22, referred to Energy Industry and Mining Committee, then Judiciary 2/11/22
HB 4408
Enlarging Authority to Enter Into Development Contracts for State Parks and Forests
This bill would enlarge the authority of the Director of DNR to enter third-party contracts for the development of recreation facilities at any state park or forest to a total of 40 years. The Director's present authority is for contracts totaling 20 years and is limited to six state parks. The new authority is limited to facilities that are in accordance with the purposes and authority granted to the DNR's Section of Parks and Recreation. A public hearing must be conducted before a contract is issued. No specific type of facility is prohibited. Watoga State Park is exempted.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Original bill introduced 1/26/22, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources committee, then Government Organization; sent to Government Organization Committee 2/17/22; substitute bill originated by Government Organization Committee 2/21/22; substitute bill passed out of committee 2/23/22; passed Senate with amendment 3/12/22; passed House in amended form 3/12/22; sent to Governor 3/17/22
HB 4452
Safe Composting of Organic Waste
The bill would amend the Solid Waste Management Act to add procedures for separating organic food wastes from non-organic wastes and to compost that waste safely. The DEP would be charged with creating legislative rules governing the process. The bill would also require the curbside pickup of organic wastes.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/31/22; referred to Health and Human Resources Committee, then Government Organizations
HB 4483
Requiring Registration and Limiting Duration of Carbon Offset Agreements
This bill would require agreements between West Virginia landowners and outside firms limiting development on that land for carbon offset purposes to register the agreements with the WV Tax Commissioner. It declares it the public policy of the state to encourage land development and timber harvesting. It limits carbon offset agreements that would impede that development to 40 years.
Sponsors: Wayne Clark
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/1/22, referred to Energy and Manufacturing committee, then Finance; Committee substitute introduced 2/8/11; substitute bill passed out of committee 2/9/22; first reading 3/12/22
HB 4491
Carbon Sequestration Pilot Program
The purpose of this bill is to establish a new legal and regulatory framework for drilling of injection wells and operation of facilities for the underground sequestration of injected carbon dioxide and for the state to pursue primacy authorization for oversight and enforcement of laws for underground carbon dioxide sequestration. The bill creates safety requirements for all sequestration of carbon injected into underground cavities and establishes liability for accidents.
Sponsors: William Ridenour, Wayne Clark
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/31/22; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee, then Judiciary; committee substitute 2/21/22; passed House 2/24/22; no committee referral; passed Senate 3/1/22; sent to Governor 3/17/22
HB 4784
Residential Set Backs for New Wind Turbines
The bill prohibits new wind turbines within two miles of any residence.
Sponsors: Phil Mallow, Larry Kump
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/16/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 4966
Gas Well Plugging Requirements
The bill would amend the current plugging statute by adding more precise plugging requirements, new marking requirements for the benefit of landowners, and requirements to notify the county clerk of well locations.
Sponsors: Clay Riley, Scot Heckert, Bob Fehrenbacher, Bill Anderson
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/122/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 4968
Regulating Radioactive Material
Among other things, this bill would make WV an "agreement state" for uniformity of rules relating to radioactive material with the federal NRC and other states; it would make the DEP the designated state radiation control agency; it would require a license for any handling or manufacture of radioactive material and would forbid the disposal of such material into landfills.
Sponsors: Clay Riley, Bob Fehrenbacher, Bill Anderson, Chuck Horst
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/122/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 5006
Amending Manchin Rehabilitation Environmental Action Plan
The purpose of this bill is to eliminate antiquated recycling goals and to set new criteria for evaluating the State’s success in achieving recycling goals, as well as for ensuring continued federal financial support for State recycling programs. The bill also establishes reporting requirements of recycling establishments.
Sponsors: Clay Riley, Bob Fehrenbacher, Bill Anderson, Scot Heckert, Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/123/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 5013
Amending Definition of Managed Timberland
This bill would remove the tax benefits available to "managed timberland" from land subject to contractual limits on development such as conservation easements and carbon offset agreements.
Sponsors: Chuck Horst
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/123/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 5045
Underground Carbon Sequestration and Storage
This bill provides further assurances to EPA that West Virginia should be responsible for enforcing underground carbon storage regulations. It focuses on changes to rules relating to management of post-injection monitoring and releases of liability.
Sponsors: Scot Heckert, Bill Anderson
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/23/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing; passed House 2/5/24, committee reference bypassed; passed Senate with amendment 2/9/24; House concurs 2/23/24
HB 5047
Amending Surface Mining Reclamation Requirements
This bill would assure that bonding and reclamation requirements are adequate to assure that post mining reclamation is completed and paid for by coal mining operators and does not become a financial liability to state taxpayers; revising bonding requirements to require the bond be set for actual reclamation costs; forbidding the issuance of new permits to operators who have not fulfilled prior reclamation obligations.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/23/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 5048
Underground Carbon Sequestration and Storage
The purpose of this bill is to remove the cap on the number of gas and other type wells for which operators are required to pay annual oversight fees.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/23/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 5076
Amending Dry Well Plugging Requirements
This bill creates exceptions for when a dry well must be plugged and prohibits any cause of action by any party as a result of the changes.
Sponsors: Scot Heckert, Bill Anderson, Bob Fehrenbacher
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary; passed out of Energy to Judiciary 2/2/24
HB 5085
Tax Credit for Recycling
This bill creates a tax credit for businesses that choose to recycle.
Sponsors: Larry Kump
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024; referred to Finance
HB 5414
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2024
This bill seeks to prevent orphan gas and oil wells by requiring an operator to post a bond covering the full cost of plugging, or pay into a set-aside fund payments sufficient to plug the well at the end of its useful life.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen, Mickey Petitto
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/1/2024; referred to Energy
HB 5416
Use of Degraded Land for Solar Panel Location
This bill seeks creates a tax incentive for power generation companies to locate solar power facilities on degraded mine and industrial land instead of farm land.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/1/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 5626
Community Solar Pilot Program
Creates a community solar pilot program allowing participation by low-income and other consumers in the benefits of solar power although individually unable to mount solar panels at their home or business. Requires bill credit to be given to subscribing consumers for their share of solar power generated. Encourages location of community solar facilities on otherwise unfavorable land or in areas where it can be co-located with agriculture.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/12/2024, referred to Energy & Manufacturing, then Judiciary
SB 271
Natural Resources Anti-Commandeering Act
This bill prohibits State agencies and employees from participating in the enforcement of federal acts, laws, or regulations regarding extractive resources (such as coal, oil, gas, and timber) unless those laws exist under state law.
Sponsors: Patrick Martin
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then to Senate Committee on Judiciary.
SB 11
Orphan Oil and Gas Well Prevention Act
This bill requires West Virginia oil and gas well operators to set aside money for future well plugging by mandating that newly drilled and transferred wells must either post a single well plugging bond or have the driller/operator begin depositing a small percentage of the well's revenue into the State Treasurer’s office for future plugging. For active wells, operators are required to pay 15¢ per MCF into the State Treasurer’s office for future plugging. Additionally, horizontal well operators must plug any "abandoned" conventional wells within the drainage area of their horizontal well and can recover the plugging costs from the operator of those conventional wells.
Sponsors: Randy Smith
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Energy, Industry, and Mining Committee
SB 711
Removing prohibition against establishing additional trail systems within state parks and state forests
This bill is removes the prohibition against establishing additional trail systems within state parks and state forests, opening up our state parks and forests to ATV/ORV use.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 3/6/25 and referred to the Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; and then to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources
SB 117
Assessing Wildlife Impact Fee on Wind Power Projects
Authorizing DNRF to assess a wildlife replacement fee on operators of wind power projects that kill protected avian species, such as eagles, owls, etc.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Natural Resources Committee
SB 13
Establishing Oversight Fee for Large-Producing Gas Wells
This bill would impose a additional $100 annual fee on gas wells that are otherwise subject to fees at the time of permit application, but that produce 10,000 cubic feet per day.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy, Industry & Mining; passed out to Finance 2/3/23
SB 143
Adopt-A-Stream Program
This bill would improve the safety requirements for participants younger than 17, would enlarge the period of stream adoption to 3 years from the current 1 year, and require at least one clean-up per year.
Sponsors: Charles Trump
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, committee reference dispensed with, passed Senate unanimously 1/11/23, sent to House, referred to Government Organizations; passed House with amendment 1/27/23; Senate concurs in House amendment; sent to Governor 2/2/23; approved by Governor 2/27/23
SB 160
West Virginia Rail Trail Program
This bill would promote the acquisition and use of abandoned or inactive rail rights of way for use as recreational trails. The bill would permit non-motorized vehicles on these trails and would permit the use of e-bikes.
Sponsors: Jason Barrett, Charles Trump
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/23, referred to Outdoor Recreation; committee substitute bill 1/26/23; passed Senate 1/31/23; introduced in House 2/1/23, referred to Economic Development & Tourism; passed out to House 2/27/23
SB 161
Authorizing Sale of Unneeded or Obsolete Public Lands
This bill authorizes the DNR, with the approval of the Secretary of Commerce, to sell public lands deemed obsolete or unneeded.
Sponsors: Charles Trump, Jason Barrett
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/11/23 directly in Senate; Constitutional rule requiring three readings suspended; passed Senate 1/12/23, referred to House Judiciary 1/13/23; amended and passed by House 1/19/23; Senate concurred in House amendment and passed 1/20/23; approved by Governor 1/24/23
SB 161
Prohibiting Natural Resources Commission from Establishing Bag Limit for Antlered Deer
Prohibiting Natural Resources Commission from making any rule creating a bag limit for antlered deer of three or more.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Natural Resources Committee
SB 162
Leasing State-Owned Pore Spaces for Carbon Sequestration
This bill authorizes the leasing and development of state-owned "pore spaces" underlying state forests, natural and scenic areas and wildlife management areas for the purpose of carbon sequestration. State parks are excluded. Leasing would be to the highest auction bidder. The Director of DNR can award leases without competitive bidding under certain circumstances.
Sponsors: Charles Trump, Craig Blair
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/23, committee reference dispensed with, passed Senate unanimously 1/12/23, sent to House, referred to Judiciary, passed with amendment and made effective from passage 1/19/23; approved by Governor 1/24/23
SB 171
Restricting County Commissions Regulating Certain Agricultural Practices
This bill would prohibit county commissions from passing ordinances regulating agriculture that are broader or more strict than state standard, and would forbid county commissions from regulating the location and use of pesticides licensed under state or federal law.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/10/2024, passed Senate same day and referred to House; passed House 2/13/24; signed by Governor 2/26/24
SB 196
West Virginia Rail Trails Program
This bill would direct a division of the Department of Transportation to acquire active or inactive rail corridors for the use of non-motorized trails for hiking, biking and equestrian use. Electric bicycles would be permitted.
Sponsors: Charles Trump
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/10/2024, referred to Outdoor Recreation, then Judiciary
SB 27
Assessing Wildlife Impact Fee on Wind Power Projects
This bill would impose a replacement cost upon operators of wind power projects where protected bird species are killed in turbines and other machinery.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Agriculture & Natural Resources, then Finance
SB 281
Wildlife Impact Fee on Wind Power Projects
Allowing the DNR to assess an impact fee on the operators of wind power projects when an animal from a protected species is killed through the operation of the project.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/11/2024, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources, then to Finance
SB 323
Prohibiting Natural Resources Commission from Creating High Bag Limit for Antlered Deer
Prohibiting Natural Resources Commission from making any rule creating a bag limit for antlered deer of three or more.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/17/21; referred to Natural Resources Committee
SB 407
Assessing Wildlife Impact Fee on Wind Power Project Operators
Authorizing DNRF to assess a wildlife replacement fee on operators of wind power projects that kill protected avian species, such as eagles, owls, etc.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/23/21; referred to Natural Resources Committee
SB 425
West Virginia Public Waterway Access Act
Directing state agencies to include planning for public access to streams at new bridge construction sites.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/2024, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources
SB 426
West Virginia Recreational Trails Act
Directing the Department of Transportation to prioritize the development of non-motorized recreational trails, including hiking, equestrian, running, trail and mountain biking.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/2024, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources; passed Senate 1/24/24; introduced in House 1/29/24
SB 453
Creating Inventory and Map of All Roads in State and National Parks and Forests
Requiring DNR to inventory and map all roads in state and national parks and forests and determine the type of motorized and nonmotorized travel currently restricted on each.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/25/21; referred to Transportation and Infrastructure Committee.
SB 468
Cabwaylingo State Forest ATV Trail System
This bill would make permanent the ATV pilot program for ATV trails in Cabwaylingo state forest. It would allow the development of connector trails from existing private trail systems, such as Hatfield-McCoy, to give all-terrain vehicle users access to state park and forest recreational facilities.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/25/23, referred to Outdoor Recreation; committee substitute bill passed Senate 3/1/23; passed out of House Economic Development and Tourism committee 3/2/23; amended on House floor 3/4/23; passed House 3/6/23; Senate concurred 3/11/23; approved by Governor 3/11/23
SB 485
Enlarging Authority to Enter Into Development Contracts for State Parks and Forests
Similar to HB 4408, this bill would enlarge the authority of the Director of DNR to enter third-party contracts for the development of recreation facilities at any state park or forest to a total of 50 years. The Director's present authority is for contracts totaling 20 years and is limited to six state parks. Unlike HB 4408, this bill has no limits on the purposes for which the Director may contract for new facilities. No specific type of facility is prohibited. .
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Original bill introduced 1/25/22, referred Natural Resources committee, then Finance; substitute bill originated by Natural Resources committee 2/23/22; sent to Finance committee 2/23/22
SB 492
Bonding Requirement for Decommissioning Wind and Solar Installations
Imposing a minimum bond requirement of $150,000 for current and future large scale wind and solar installations to prevent the cost of decommissioning from being transferred to the public. Installations producing less than .5 megawatts are exempted.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced in Senate 3/21/21, referred to Industry and Mining Committee; referred to Senate Finance Committee 3/25/21; Passed Senate 3/30/21; Introduced in House 3/31/21, referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee; amended on floor 4/10/21; Passed House 4/10/21; Senate concurs in House amendment 4/10/21.
SB 512
Taxation of Solar Farms
Establishing for tax purposes that the business of farming does not include the development, operation or ownership of a solar farm unless the solar arrays are elevated such that pasture animals may graze underneath.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/10/2024, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources, then Finance
SB 532
Orphan Well Prevention Act of 2024
This bill would create a system of fees and oversight to plug and prevent orphan gas and oil wells.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/25/2024, referred to Energy, Industry and Mining, then Finance
SB 618
Carbon Exchange Program
Creating an exclusive state-run and regulated market for carbon credits in West Virginia.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 2/2/2024, referred to Government Organization, then Finance; passed Senate 2/28/24; referred to House Finance 2/29/24
SB 638
Community Solar Pilot Program
Creates a community solar pilot program allowing participation by low-income and other consumers in the benefits of solar power although individually unable to mount solar panels at their home or business. Requires bill credit to be given to subscribing consumers for their share of solar power generated. Encourages location of community solar facilities on otherwise unfavorable land or in areas where it can be co-located with agriculture.
Sponsors: Mike Oliverio
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/5/2024, referred to Economic Development, then Finance
SB 739
Moratorium on Carbon Offset Agreements
This bill would create a moratorium of 60 days from passage on any agreements designed to prevent timbering for the purpose of biologically sequestering carbon. This ostensibly would allow the legislature to address the issue carefully.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Originated in Senate Rules Committee 2/25/23; passed Senate unanimously 3/1/23; sent to House 3/1/23; referred to Energy & Manufacturing Committee 3/2/23; committee amendment 3/9/23; passed House 3/10/23; Senate amends House amendment 3/11/23 and requests House to concur
SB 822
Carbon Offset Agreement
Strongly disfavors carbon offset agreements by removing them from favorable tax treatment as managed timberlands, requiring the purchaser to register and pay an excise tax of as much as 50% of the value of the agreement to the landowner, and declaring it West Virginia public policy to void the restrictions on future timbering in private covenants, thereby jeopardizing conservation easements.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/16/24, referred to Finance; committee substitute 2/26/24; read third time 2/28/24; removed from calendar by Rules Committee 2/28/24
SB 86
Creating Office of Outdoor Recreation in Commerce Department
Creates a new Office of Outdoor Recreation to coordinate outdoor recreation policy and land use management planning among state and federal agencies and local government entities, and to advocate for conservation of lands for a outdoor recreation uses. Creates an advisory board consisting of interested groups and industries, including one member to represent conservation interests.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Economic Development Committee
SB 560
Allowing counties and municipalities to limit utility scale renewable energy facilities
This bill grants county commissions and municipalities the authority to regulate the location of large renewable energy facilities, specifically those with a production capacity of 5 megawatts or more.
Sponsors: Darren Thorne
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced on 2/20/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Economic Development; and then to Senate Committee on Finance.
SB 21
Assessing wildlife impact fee on wind power projects
This bill allows the Director of the Division of Natural Resources to assess a Wildlife Impact Fee on any operator of a wind power project that injures or kills a protected species of animal.
Sponsors: Randy Smith
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Natural Resources; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
SB 295
Clarifying non-agricultural status of solar farms
This bill aims to distinguish solar energy production from traditional agricultural practices for taxation and regulatory purposes.
Sponsors: Patricia Rucker
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Agriculture; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
SB 34
Creating Community Solar Pilot Program
This bill creates a community solar program where subscribers can purchase an interest in a solar facility and use credits against their electric utility costs, helping West Virginia ratepayers save money. The bill also gives the Public Service Commission authority over the administration and rule making of a pilot program.
Sponsors: Mike Oliverio
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then to Senate Committee on Finance
Creating Wind Power Taxation Clarification Act
This bill repeals the state code related to taxation of wind power projects.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/27/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining.
HB 2568
Eliminate net metering in WV
This bill seek to eliminate net metering of public utilities in West Virginia.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/18/25 and referred to the House Committee on Energy and Public Works.
SB 505
Ensuring Reliable and Affordable Electricity Act
The purpose of this bill is to protect ratepayers from paying for underperforming assets, particularly as the state transitions away from fossil fuel-based generation. The focus is on ensuring that new energy assets are reliable and cost-effective, especially during times of peak demand.
Sponsors: Patrick Martin
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/14/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then referred to Senate Committee on Government Organization.
SB 583
Establishing economic incentives for data centers to locate within state
This bill creates economic incentives for data centers to locate within the state and incentivizes the centers torely on locally sourced coal generated electricity. The bill also provides an exemption from the B&O tax for all coal-generated electricity sold to qualifying data centers and provides a sales tax exemption for all personal property sold to and used in the construction or maintenance of a qualifying data center.
Sponsors: Randy Smith
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/24/25 and referred to the Senate Committee on Economic Development; and then to Senate Committee on Finance]
HB 2128
Establishing reporting requirements for utilities that are members of a regional transmission organization
This bill requires that each public utility that is a member of a regional transmission organization submit information relating to the utility’s or an affiliate’s votes at a regional transmission organization meeting.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to House Committee on Energy and Public Works
SB 57
Establishing tax on production of electricity from wind and solar sources
This bill establishes a tax $3 tax per megawatt of electricity produced for sale or trade on the production of electricity from wind and solar resources in West Virginia. The tax collected will be distributed to the 55 counties based on the number of volunteer fire departments in compliance with the state's Open Checkbook policy. These funds are then allocated to the volunteer fire departments within each county.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then referred to Senate Committee on Finance.
HB 2022
Restricting Gas Well Locations
Currently, gas wells may not be located within 650 feet of an occupied dwelling structure. This bill would expand the restricted area to 2,500 feet.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 2059
Amend Rural Industrial Site Development Act
The purpose of this bill is to remove minimum size restrictions and maximum number of sites permitted in the West Virginia Business Ready Sites Program together with the removing the requirement that the program be a pilot program.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Economic Development & Tourism
HB 2246
Prohibiting Manufacturing Plants from Locating Within Two Air Miles of an Existing Public School
Prohibits manufacturing plants from locating within two air miles of an existing public school without the written permission of the county school board. Also requires that a majority of the school board voted to grant this permission.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/10/21; referred to Workforce Development Committee
HB 2459
Exempting Wholesale Power Generation Facilities from Zoning
This bill would exempt non-utility wholesale power generators, such as solar farms, from the reach of zoning laws in the state. It would make these generators approved uses in any zoning district.
Sponsors: Wayne Clark
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/11/23, referred to Judiciary
HB 2533
Providing Tax Credits for Green Buildings
Providing a tax credit for obtaining certain certifications by the United States Green Building Council Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design green building rating system or the Green Globes Building Initiative green building rating standard. The bill sets forth the amount of the credit, who may take the credit, the criteria for taking the credit and the amount of the credit. The bill also provides rule-making authority and defines terms.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/15/21; referred to Government Organization Committee
HB 2552
Disclosure of Purpose for Permit Application
This bill would require an applicant for a DEP permit to state clearly the lawful purpose for the permit to provide the public with notice.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/13/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing then Judiciary
HB 2588
West Virginia Energy Efficiency Jobs Creation Act
Providing the Public Service Commission the authority to require electric utilities to develop and implement plans for the efficient use, conservation and reduction of electricity usage. Also sets forth goals to achieve electricity savings and requires electric utilities to submit plans for reaching those goals. The bill also provides for a self-direct option for large electricity customers.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/17/21; referred to Energy and Manufacturing Committee
HB 2882
Repealing Ban on Construction of Nuclear Power Plants
Seeks to repeal the limited ban on nuclear power in WV, which requires a showing (1) that there is a national facility that safely and permanently disposes of nuclear waste and has operated for 24 months, (2) that the construction of the new nuclear facility will be economically feasible for West Virginia rate payers, and (3) the proposed facility will comply with all applicable environmental protection laws.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Energy Committee; 1/21/22 referred to Government Organization Committee; 1/28/22 referred out to House on second reading; second reading 2/7/22
HB 2896
Regulation and Storage of Radioactive Waste Materials and Radon Prevention
This statute would do too much to summarize adequately. It replaces current statutes regarding licensing of radon testers and laboratories. It adds a new statute regarding periodic testing of x-ray machines. It adds a statute on radon prevention in new school construction. It adds a Radiation Control Act which would bring state regulation into line with the federal government and many other states. The bill would promote the uses of radioactive material in the state for peaceful purposes. It would not apply to any facilities regulated by the federal Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The DEP is designated as the State Radiation Control Agency, with a a lengthy list of duties and rulemaking responsibility. The DEP is given eminent domain authority to acquire land for ionizing radiation control projects, and to convey this land to private commercial interests for scientific facilities and "nuclear storage areas." The DEP would also assume responsibility for regulating the perpetual custody of radioactive material at any private site where the owner has abandoned responsibility. The DEP would be charged with developing regulations concerning all radioactive material not under the jurisdiction of the federal NRC, and for licensing, among other things, the storage of this material.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/20/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing then Judiciary; then to Finance 2/2/23; committee substitute passed House 2/15/23; to Senate Economic Development Committee 2/20/23; committee amendment
HB 3294
Excise Tax on Carbon Offset Agreements
The bill declares that any agreement to limit the development of land, minerals or timber for the purpose of carbon sequestration or carbon offsets longer than 20 years will be void, and imposes an excise tax on the proceeds from any such agreement of shorter duration.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/3/23, referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance; passed to Finance with amendment 2/8/23
HB 4084
Amending Solid Waste Management Act to Cover Recycling of Post-Use Polymers
Would permit the construction and operation of plants to convert post-use plastics sorted from other solid waste into smaller particles through heating and other processes. Intended products are simpler plastics, waxes, lubricants, and coatings
Sponsors: Mike DeVault
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/14/22; referred to Small Business Committee, then to Energy and Manufacturing; passed unanimously in House 2/8/22; sent to Senate and referred to Economic Development Committee 2/9/22; committee amendment 2/28/22; passed Senate 3/1/22; House concurred in Senate version 3/3/22; sent to Governor 3/9/22
HB 4408
Enlarging Authority to Enter Into Development Contracts for State Parks and Forests
This bill would enlarge the authority of the Director of DNR to enter third-party contracts for the development of recreation facilities at any state park or forest to a total of 40 years. The Director's present authority is for contracts totaling 20 years and is limited to six state parks. The new authority is limited to facilities that are in accordance with the purposes and authority granted to the DNR's Section of Parks and Recreation. A public hearing must be conducted before a contract is issued. No specific type of facility is prohibited. Watoga State Park is exempted.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Original bill introduced 1/26/22, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources committee, then Government Organization; sent to Government Organization Committee 2/17/22; substitute bill originated by Government Organization Committee 2/21/22; substitute bill passed out of committee 2/23/22; passed Senate with amendment 3/12/22; passed House in amended form 3/12/22; sent to Governor 3/17/22
HB 4553
Removing All Zoning Restrictions on Exempt Wholesale Power Producers
This bill amends the statutory structure of zoning regulation in the state as it relates to non-utility wholesale electric power generators, such as wind and solar installations. It declares that these power generation facilities are "permitted uses" in any zoning district.
Sponsors: Wayne Clark, Paul Espinosa
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/3/22; referred to Judiciary committee; substitute bill passed out of committee 2/14/22; placed on House calendar 2/15/22; passed House 3/1/22; referred to Senate Energy, Industry and Mining committee 3/2/22
HB 4652
Natural Gas Fired Electric Generation Act of 2024
The purpose of this bill is to encourage development, transportation and use of electricity generated using West Virginia natural gas by directing the West Virginia Economic Development Authority to identify and designate sites suitable for natural gas electric generation facilities and by providing for expedited consideration and decision concerning applications for permits to construct and operate natural gas electric generation facilities.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/2024; referred to; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Government Organization
HB 4656
PSC Jurisdiction Over Advanced Nuclear Microreactors
The purpose of this bill is to expand the jurisdiction of the Public Service Commission to include advanced nuclear reactors, and to direct that agency to adopt regulations for the construction, operation and retirement of such reactors.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/12/2024; referred to; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 4712
Limiting Wind Power Projects
This bill would limit the number of wind power projects approved in the state each year to two and allow a 5% reduction in coal severance tax for each such project approved.
Sponsors: Phil Mallow
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/15/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 4784
Residential Set Backs for New Wind Turbines
The bill prohibits new wind turbines within two miles of any residence.
Sponsors: Phil Mallow, Larry Kump
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/16/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Judiciary
HB 4968
Regulating Radioactive Material
Among other things, this bill would make WV an "agreement state" for uniformity of rules relating to radioactive material with the federal NRC and other states; it would make the DEP the designated state radiation control agency; it would require a license for any handling or manufacture of radioactive material and would forbid the disposal of such material into landfills.
Sponsors: Clay Riley, Bob Fehrenbacher, Bill Anderson, Chuck Horst
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/122/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing
HB 5047
Amending Surface Mining Reclamation Requirements
This bill would assure that bonding and reclamation requirements are adequate to assure that post mining reclamation is completed and paid for by coal mining operators and does not become a financial liability to state taxpayers; revising bonding requirements to require the bond be set for actual reclamation costs; forbidding the issuance of new permits to operators who have not fulfilled prior reclamation obligations.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/23/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 5416
Use of Degraded Land for Solar Panel Location
This bill seeks creates a tax incentive for power generation companies to locate solar power facilities on degraded mine and industrial land instead of farm land.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/1/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing, then Finance
HB 5528
Renewable Energy Facilities Program
Raising the incremental increases in size of renewable energy facilities from 50 to 100 megawatts, and eliminating the 2025 sunset provision.
Sponsors: Bill Anderson, Bob Fehrenbacher, Scot Heckert, Wayne Clark, Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/8/2024; referred to Energy and Manufacturing; passed House 2/19/24; passed Senate 3/7/24; vetoed by Governor
HB 5626
Community Solar Pilot Program
Creates a community solar pilot program allowing participation by low-income and other consumers in the benefits of solar power although individually unable to mount solar panels at their home or business. Requires bill credit to be given to subscribing consumers for their share of solar power generated. Encourages location of community solar facilities on otherwise unfavorable land or in areas where it can be co-located with agriculture.
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/12/2024, referred to Energy & Manufacturing, then Judiciary
SB 271
Natural Resources Anti-Commandeering Act
This bill prohibits State agencies and employees from participating in the enforcement of federal acts, laws, or regulations regarding extractive resources (such as coal, oil, gas, and timber) unless those laws exist under state law.
Sponsors: Patrick Martin
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to Senate Committee on Energy, Industry, and Mining; and then to Senate Committee on Judiciary.
HB 3025
Relating to a State Water Resources Management Plan
This bill sets reporting requirements for underground water extracted in growth counties. Further, it directs the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to oversee the development of a comprehensive water management plan, considering factors such as surface and groundwater resources, water withdrawals, and infrastructure needs. The bill also requires large water users to report their monthly water withdrawals annually to the DEP.
Sponsors: Joe Funkhouser
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/27/25; referred to the House Committee on Energy and Public Works
HB 2040
Relating to certified industrial business expansion development programs
This bill amends the Certified Industrial Business Expansion Development Program to remove the requirement that electricity provided to high impact industrial business development districts must be generated from renewable sources.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to House Committee on Energy and Pubic Works
SB 502
Relating to counties' ability to regulate floodplains under National Flood Insurance Program guidelines
This bill gives county commissions authority over regulating floodplains under the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) regulations. Further, it restricts county commissions from adopting ordinances that prohibit the purchase of federally or state-registered pesticides, herbicides, or insecticides. It also prohibits county commissions from enacting regulations or ordinances that are stricter than state laws concerning agricultural operations.
Sponsors: Patricia Rucker
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced on 2/14/25 and referred to Senate committee on Government Organization.
HB 2205
Relating to microreactor development
This bill expand's the Pubic Service Commission's jurisdiction to include advanced nuclear reactors.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced on 2/14/25 and referred to House Committee on Energy and Manufacturing
HB 2192
Relating to restrictions on use or sale of motor vehicles based on power source
This bill prohibits state agencies and local government units from restricting the sale or use of motor vehicles based on the energy sources used to power the vehicles.
Sponsors: Gary Howell
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced on 2/12/25 and referred to House Committee on Local Governments
SB 711
Removing prohibition against establishing additional trail systems within state parks and state forests
This bill is removes the prohibition against establishing additional trail systems within state parks and state forests, opening up our state parks and forests to ATV/ORV use.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 3/6/25 and referred to the Senate Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure; and then to the Senate Committee on Natural Resources
HB 2555
Revising ethical standards for the public service commission
This bill enhances the transparency and accountability of the Public Service Commission by shifting the commissions focus towards ensuring affordable utility rates. Further, it directs the PSC to apply the State Code of Judicial Ethics to it's decision making process. The bill also mandates commissioners' annual financial statements be made available online and that they post a bond upon appointment.
Sponsors: Evan Hansen
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced on 12/18 and referred to the House Committee on Energy and Public Works; and then the House Committee on Judiciary
SB 162
Leasing State-Owned Pore Spaces for Carbon Sequestration
This bill authorizes the leasing and development of state-owned "pore spaces" underlying state forests, natural and scenic areas and wildlife management areas for the purpose of carbon sequestration. State parks are excluded. Leasing would be to the highest auction bidder. The Director of DNR can award leases without competitive bidding under certain circumstances.
Sponsors: Charles Trump, Craig Blair
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/23, committee reference dispensed with, passed Senate unanimously 1/12/23, sent to House, referred to Judiciary, passed with amendment and made effective from passage 1/19/23; approved by Governor 1/24/23
SB 171
Restricting County Commissions Regulating Certain Agricultural Practices
This bill would prohibit county commissions from passing ordinances regulating agriculture that are broader or more strict than state standard, and would forbid county commissions from regulating the location and use of pesticides licensed under state or federal law.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/10/2024, passed Senate same day and referred to House; passed House 2/13/24; signed by Governor 2/26/24
SB 188
Grid Stabilization and Security Act of 2023
This bill would direct all state agencies to streamline their procedures to make the generation of electricity from natural gas easier, and direct the Secretary of Economic Development to locate appropriate sites for the construction of generating plants, providing several criteria. It would set time limits to expedite any application for a siting certificate before the PSC and other permits required for the construction of a generating facility.
Sponsors: Charles Trump
CWV Position: We support natural gas generation, but not expedited approval of sites based on narrow criteria.
Status: Introduced 1/13/23; referred to Economic Development; committee substitute bill 1/26/23; passed Senate 2/1/23; sent to House 2/1/23, referred to Economic Development & Tourism; passed out to full House 2/16/23; amended 3/2/23; passed House 3/3/23; approved by Governor 3/28/23
SB 196
West Virginia Rail Trails Program
This bill would direct a division of the Department of Transportation to acquire active or inactive rail corridors for the use of non-motorized trails for hiking, biking and equestrian use. Electric bicycles would be permitted.
Sponsors: Charles Trump
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 1/10/2024, referred to Outdoor Recreation, then Judiciary
SB 4
Repealing Ban on Construction of Nuclear Power Plants
The purpose of this bill is to repeal the law that bans construction of nuclear power plants. Similar in effect to HB 2882.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/12/22; referred to Economic Development Committee; 1/24/22 to Senate on second reading; 1/28/22 sent to House for second reading; passed by House sent to Governor; 2/8/22 approved by Governor.
SB 478
Energy Intensive Industry Tax Credit
The bill seeks to induce businesses that consume large amount of energy to locate in West Virginia by offering a tax credit in exchange for the promise of creating 25 jobs.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 1/17/2024; referred to Finance
SB 485
Enlarging Authority to Enter Into Development Contracts for State Parks and Forests
Similar to HB 4408, this bill would enlarge the authority of the Director of DNR to enter third-party contracts for the development of recreation facilities at any state park or forest to a total of 50 years. The Director's present authority is for contracts totaling 20 years and is limited to six state parks. Unlike HB 4408, this bill has no limits on the purposes for which the Director may contract for new facilities. No specific type of facility is prohibited. .
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Original bill introduced 1/25/22, referred Natural Resources committee, then Finance; substitute bill originated by Natural Resources committee 2/23/22; sent to Finance committee 2/23/22
SB 512
Taxation of Solar Farms
Establishing for tax purposes that the business of farming does not include the development, operation or ownership of a solar farm unless the solar arrays are elevated such that pasture animals may graze underneath.
CWV Position:
Status: Introduced 1/10/2024, referred to Agriculture and Natural Resources, then Finance
SB 638
Community Solar Pilot Program
Creates a community solar pilot program allowing participation by low-income and other consumers in the benefits of solar power although individually unable to mount solar panels at their home or business. Requires bill credit to be given to subscribing consumers for their share of solar power generated. Encourages location of community solar facilities on otherwise unfavorable land or in areas where it can be co-located with agriculture.
Sponsors: Mike Oliverio
CWV Position: Supports
Status: Introduced 2/5/2024, referred to Economic Development, then Finance
SB 822
Carbon Offset Agreement
Strongly disfavors carbon offset agreements by removing them from favorable tax treatment as managed timberlands, requiring the purchaser to register and pay an excise tax of as much as 50% of the value of the agreement to the landowner, and declaring it West Virginia public policy to void the restrictions on future timbering in private covenants, thereby jeopardizing conservation easements.
CWV Position: Opposes
Status: Introduced 2/16/24, referred to Finance; committee substitute 2/26/24; read third time 2/28/24; removed from calendar by Rules Committee 2/28/24